Skopje, 18.03.2016 – Kanal 5 TV has responded in writing to the Agency’s report stating that, by having broadcasted the contents of several editions of the Milenko Nedelkovski Show, this television violated the prohibition of hate speech under Article 48 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services. In its letter, apart from manifesting ignorance about the media-related regulations, Kanal 5 TV also tries to exert pressure on the regulatory authority not to implement the Law. The links to Kanal 5 TV’s letter and the Agency’s response are given below.
The Agency performs its tasks professionally and will continue to insist that broadcasters fully abide by the Law, although the journalist principles and standards are a matter of self-regulation and no sanction has been envisaged against infringement of Article 48.
The response of the Agency to Kanal 5 TV’s letter can be downloaded at the following link
The letter from Kanal 5 TV can be downloaded at the following link