Completed Hearings

Public Hearing Concluded on the Draft Rulebook on Natural Persons as Providers of On-demand Audiovisual Media Services

At its 29th Session held on 17 July 2024, the Agency Council opened a public hearing on the Draft Rulebook on Natural Persons as Providers of On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services.

This by-law regulates the format and the content of the application for entering into the Register of Providers of On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services and the manner in which it is decided which natural person shall be considered a provider of on-demand audiovisual media services in accordance with the  LAAVMS.

The Agency invited all broadcasters, providers of on-demand AVMS and interested parties to take part in the public hearing by submitting their opinions and proposals, in writing, electronically, to the following e-mail address: .

The public debate on the Draft Rulebook lasted 75 days, ending on 1 October 2024.

Public Hearing Concluded on the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Sponsorship, Draft-Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minors’ Protection, and the Draft-Guide on Monitoring Hate Speech – Second Amended and Supplemented Edition At its 29th Session held on July 17, the Agency Council adopted the Draft-Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Sponsorship, Draft-Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minors’ Protection, and the Draft-Guide on Monitoring Hate Speech – Second Amended and Supplemented Edition.The Agency invited all broadcasters, providers of on-demand AVM services  and interested parties to take part in the public hearing by submitting their opinions and proposals in writing, electronically, to the following e-mail address: public hearing lasted 45 days, ending on September 2, 2024.

Opinions and proposals submitted regarding the draft documents

Remarks regarding the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Sponsorship submitted by TRD Kanal 77 Radio

Public Hearing Concluded on the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Broadcasting European Audiovisual Works and Works by Independent Producers

At its 26th Session held on June 12, the Agency Council adopted the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Broadcasting European Audiovisual Works and Works by Independent Producers.

The amendments and supplements to this Rulebook sprang from the July 2023 amendments to the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services relating to the providers of on-demand audiovisual media services.

The Agency invited all broadcasters, providers of on-demand AVM services  and interested parties to take part in the public hearing by submitting their opinions and proposals in writing, electronically, to the following e-mail address:

The public hearing lasted 75 days, ending on August 27, 2024.

Completed public discussion on the Draft Guidelines for Amending and Supplementing the Guidelines for Implementing Product Placement Rules

At its 9th Session held on 12 March 2024, the Agency Council adopted a Draft Guidelines for Amending and Supplementing the Guidelines for Implementing Product Placement Rules.

The amending and supplementing of the Guidelines resulted from the amendments made to the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in July 2023, which included changes related to product placement.

The Agency invites all broadcasters, providers of on-demand AVMS and all interested parties to take part in the public hearing by sending their opinions and proposals in writing, electronically, to the following e-mail address .

The public hearing lasted 90 days, ending on 11 June 2024.

Completed public discussion on the Draft Rulebook on Media Services Accessibility

At 9th, Session, the Agency Council adopted a Draft Rulebook on Media Services Accessibility. The need for such an act stemmed from the amendments and supplements to the LAAVMS of July 2023, which turned the provision of programmes accessible to persons with disabilities into an obligation for the radio and television stations and the video-on-demand media services. The latter are obligated to meet this obligation continually and progressively.

Among other things, the draft document prescribes the specific obligations for the providers of audiovisual media services depending on their resources and audience reach; how they can make their programmes accessible; the on-demand catalogues, i.e. the delayed viewing offer; the electronic program guide, etc.

The Agency invites all broadcasters, providers of on-demand AVMS and interested parties, to take part in the public hearing by sending their opinions and proposals, in writing, electronically, to the following e-mail address: .

The public hearing lasted 90 days, until 10 June 2024 conclusively.

Completed public discussion on the Draft Guidelines for Broadcasters for the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections

At 11th Session, the Agency Council adopted the Draft-Guidelines for Broadcasters for the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections

The document clarifies the manner of implementing the rules of the Electoral Code concerning the limits for paid political advertising (PPA), stating of the advertiser, distribution of the news airtime of the Public Broadcasting Service, the free political presentation on the Parliament’s Channel, as well as the rules for reporting during the days of election silence.

The Agency invites all interested parties to take part in the public hearing by submitting their opinions and proposals in writing, electronically, to the following email address: .

The public hearing lasted 5 days, ending on 25 March 2024.

