Preparation of the Strategy for the Development of Audio and Audiovisual Industry, 2018-2022, Starts

Slika_1_15.05.2017Skopje, 15.05.2017 – Today, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services marked the official start of preparation of the Strategy for the Development of Audio and Audiovisual Industry for the period 2018-2022.

The Strategy is aimed at mapping the current status of the audio and audiovisual industry, specifying the goals of and the directions for the development of this industry in the following five years, defining the goals and directions for the development of this industry in the next five years, and specifying the concrete activities for the realization of these goals. The Strategy has been envisaged by the Agency’s 2017 Work Plan and is planned to be a result of a broad-based consultation process involving all the stakeholders in this industry, so that it would incorporate and properly address all the key issues relevant for the concerned parties within the media industry.

The Strategy will determine the activities whereby the Agency will clearly position its role as a regulator in stimulating the development of the industry, while the key stakeholders in this industry and the entities subject to regulation are also expected to submit adequate proposals and manifest proactive behavior towards significantly improving a large number of aspects of the media sphere.

The Agency also expects the institutions, through their competences, and the civil organizations, through the numerous projects in the media sphere, to which the Agency has given its full support, to contribute to the Strategy in terms of experiences and work results.

