Announcement of Public Opening of Applications for the Public Bid for Local-Level License

Skopje, 17 May 2023 – With reference to the Decision to Announce a Public Competition for Granting a Local-Level Radio Broadcasting License for a Programme Service of a Non-Profit Broadcasting Institution, Ref. No. UP1 no. 08-98 of 09.03.2023. (published on 14.03.2023 in the “Official Gazette of RNM” no. 55/23), we are hereby informing you of the following:

The deadline for submitting applications to participate in the public competition expired on 15 May 2023. The applications submitted for this competition shall be opened publicly, a week after the deadline for their submission has expired.

The public opening of the submitted applications to participate in the said public competition, in accordance with Point 13 of the aforementioned Decision, will be held on 22.05.2023 (Monday) at 13:30 hrs, at the Agency’s headquarters, at the following address: Palata “Panko Brashnarov”, ul. Makedonija” br. 38, Skopje.

