Ad Hoc Committee Proposes Initiating of Three Misdemeanor Sanctions in the Form of Warnings

Skopje, 30 September 2016 – Based on the written reports on the monitoring of election-related media coverage by 18 programming services, in the period from 12 to 21 September 2016, the Ad Hoc Committee on Observing Media Coverage submitted 3 proposals to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services to initiate misdemeanor proceedings where the Court would pronounce misdemeanor sanctions, i.e. warnings against violating Article 75, Paragraph 1 and Article 75-b of the Electoral Code.[…]

Agency Holds Third Public Meeting in 2016

Skopje, 27 September 2016 – Today, theAgency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held its third public meeting in 2016. The Agency Director, Mr. Zoran Trajcevski, spoke about the activities carried out in line with the Annual Work Programme, and presented in detail the activities related to the conducted supervisions, pronounced warning measures against the broadcasters, the public communication network operators and the print media, as well as the request for initiating misdemeanor proceedings.[…]

