Warning Measure Imposed against Hana TV, Kumanovo

Skopje, 18.08.2016 – Based on a regular administrative supervision conducted over the work of TV Hana – Mevljan DOOEL Kumanovo and an established violation of Article 14, of the Media Law in full, a warning measure has been imposed against this broadcaster and it has been given a 45-day deadline, from the day of receiving the warning measure notice, to harmonize its work with the legal provision at issue.[…]

New submission cycle opened for media development project proposals

Skopje, 29.06.2016 – Based on the correspondence received from the Ministry of Culture, UNESCO National Commission, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services informs all media and media organizations that the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) has opened a new submission cycle for media development project proposals, in the areas stated in the letter attached below.


