On the basis of Article 12, Paras (1) and (2) and Article 14, Paras (1) and (2) of the Law for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia adopted a decision, at its session held on 2 July 2014, to appoint members to the Council of the Agency.
At its 1st session, held on 8 July 2014, the Agency’s Council elected the President and the Deputy President of the Council. Mr. Lazo Petrusevski was elected as President, and Mr. Milaim Fetai, Ph.D., was elected as Deputy President of the Council.

Born on 18 November 1960. Graduated at the Faculty of Electrical and Technical Engineering in Skopje, at the Informatics and Automatics Department, majoring in Informatics.
Professional experience:
September 2016 – to date: Assistant Head of the Department for Support to the Mayor of the City of Skopje, Local Self-Governance.
July 2014 – to date: President of the Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
July 2014 – September 2016: Assistant Head of the Information Technology and Modernization Department at the City of Skopje, Local Self-Governance.
August 2011 – July 2014: Member of the Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Macedonia (as of January 2014 – Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services)
1 July 2008 – August 2011: Head of the Information Technology and Modernization Department at the City of Skopje, Local Self-Governance.
1 November 2005 – 30 June 2008: Head of the GIS Unit within the IT and GIS Implementation Department of the City of Skopje.
6 June 2005 – 13 July 2006: worked on the TRAIN Project, in the capacity of a local IT expert in the preparation, execution and evaluation of trainings in geo-informatics and capacity building of the local governance institutions. The project was financed by the EU and implemented by the European Agency for Reconstruction.
1 April 2005 – 23 September 2005: worked as a system administrator (IT Advisor) at the Court of First Instance in Veles. Main duties: administration and maintenance of a local computer network.
15 July 2004 – 30 November 2004: worked at INTRACOM S.A., on the EU-funded PARJA project implemented by the European Agency for Reconstruction, as Senior Information Technology Expert. Primary responsibilities: preparation, execution and evaluation of trainings in Microsoft Windows & Office environment;
September 1995 – December 2005: worked as a professor in the preparation, execution and evaluation of trainings in Microsoft Windows & Office programming environment (Visual Basic);
September 1984 – April 2000: operations engineer for automatics and instrumentation at the MHK Zletovo Smelter, in charge of equipment maintenance and preparation of projects related to automatics and instrumentation;
April 2000 – December 2003: Head of the Automatics and Instrumentation Department of the MHK Zletovo Smelter;
Certificates obtained:
Deputy President of the National Council for IT Society (April 2009-August 2011);
January 2009: Certificate for Planning, Implementation and Maintenance of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory (Microsoft training 2279B);
December 2008: Certificate for maintenance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft training 2780);
June 2008: ESRI Certificates for GIS Software (ArcGIS 9.2 desktop software and ArcGIS 9.2 server software);
February 2006: Certificate for Geo-Informatics in Urban Planning, TRAIN project;
June 2005: Certificate of Didactic Training for Trainers under the TRAIN project;
October 2004, Certificate for National Xpert Representative in the Republic of Macedonia, granted by the Union of German Public Universities;April 1987: “1st May” Award for outstanding innovation achievements, granted by the Economic Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia;
April 1983: Third place award, individual competition, at the Automatic Control Contest of the Faculties of Electrical and Technical Engineering in former Yugoslavia (SFRY) in Umag, Croatia, and
March 1977, First place award in Electrical and Technical Skills Contest for the High Schools in former Yugoslavia (SFRJ), in Zagreb, Croatia
Born 19.08.1967
In March 2010 completed first cycle of University education at the FON University, studying the 3 years syllabus at the Faculty of Political Science, Diplomacy and Journalism;
In October 2010 gained the title Specialist of Political Science, Diplomacy and International Politics;
20 years of experience in the media, gained throughout participation in variety of groups funded by foreign non-governmental organizations i.e. PRES NOW, MEDIENHILFE, Institute Open Society- Macedonia, Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, IREX PROMEDIA;
For period of 6 years he was member of the Executive Board of the Macedonian Media Institute (MIM);
For period of 6 years he was member of the Executive Board of the Association of private owned electronic media in Macedonia (APEMM);
Professional experience:
15 December 1992- 18 July 2011 employed at TV Hana, Kumanovo as a capacity of General Manager;
In 2009 was been appointed Chef Editor of TV Hana, Kumanovo.
Certificates :
Certificate in marketing and propaganda, awarded by the International Broadcasting Bureau;
Certificate awarded by the Macedonian institute for Media for successful completion of 6 years cooperation.
Member of the Council of the Agency
М.Sc. Alma Mashovikj
Alma Mashovikj is graduated Mechanical Engineer – M.Sc. in Machine Science, born in 1979 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
In 2002 she graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje, at the Desk for Thermotechnics and Thermoenergy in the research area: Mechanics of Fluids and Currents’ Technology Systems and got qualified Mechanical Engineer.
In 2006 Mrs. Mashovikj graduated at the Desk for Hydrotechnics, Pneumatics and Automatics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje and got qualified Graduated Mechanical Engineer.
In 2009 she got M.Sc. degree at the Desk for Hydrotechnics, Pneumatics and Automatics, and got qualified M.Sc. in Mechanical Sciences in the research area: Mechanics of Fluids and Currents Technics Systems and got qualified as a Master in Mechanical Sciences.
Professional Background:
In 2004 Mrs. Mashovikj participated in the Summer Academy 2004, organized by the Stability Pact for South-East Europe, in Petrovac, Montenegro, in the period of 28.08 -08.09.2004. At the academy she participated with her science paper with a title: “Special Flow Problems I: Exact Solutions to Two-Dimenzional Navie-Stokes Equations and Applications” under supervision of the professor Gunther Brenner.
In the period of 2004 – 2006 works as a demonstrator at the Institute for Mechanics, Istitute for Hydrotechnics, Pneumatics and Automatics and the Institute for Welding and Welded Constructions at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje.
2007 – 2010: She worked as Senior Customs Officer in the Customs Office in Skopje part of the National Customs, with a status of ‘person in uniform, with special duties and authorizations’.

He got his MSc. at the Institute for Informatics at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje in 2004 with a master thesis named “Distance education- basic formulation and application” and got qualified Master of Information Sciences;
He is a Ph.D. student at the Institute for Informatics at Faculty of natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje with declared theme “Educational software, digital teaching materials and teaching using information and communication technologies in terms of massive computerization of the Education” since September 2007.
Professional Background:1994 – 2000 was associate to II at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje;
2000 – 2004 was junior assistant at II of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje;
2004 – 2010 was assistant on the Institute for Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science within the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje;
2010 – 2011 was director of the State Examination Centre in Skopje;
2007 – 2011 was educator of the Academy of Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Macedonia on the subject “Informational technologies with legal search”;
1998 – 2011 performed trainings and exercises in over 43 workshops, seminars, courses and trainings, most of them with a duration of a week, for training of informatics teachers in primary and secondary education, within the continuing education of teachers;
He participated in 16 domestic and international, scientific and development projects;
He participated as a keynote speaker on over 20 scientific conferences in the country and abroad;
He has published more scientific papers, university scripts and handbooks for students and professional papers, textbooks for students and training manuals;
He participated in the creation of more on-line web based courses for the Council of Europe, European Network for Training of Judges and other projects;- He was the leader of the Macedonian National Team in Informatics, on 16 Balkan and international Olympiads in informatics.
Member of the Council of the Agency
Born on 18 July 1972, in Skopje.
Mr. Fidanovski graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje, earning a law degree.
He was a member of the “Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin” National Journalism and Publishing Awards Board for two years (2010-2012).
1990-1994 Sports journalist in the editorial board of “Vecer” daily
1994-1998 Part-time associate of “Nova Makedonija” editorial board
Immediately after his graduation in 1996, Mr. Fidanovski moved to the Skopje Section of the same daily newspaper, where he generally covered topics related to the capital, but also wrote about crime and political issues.
1999-2001 Worked in the newly-established “START” political weekly.
2001-2002 Member of the editorial staff of the “Makedonija Denes” daily, where he covered topics related to politics and security.
2002-2008 Worked for “SITEL” Television, where he wrote about home and foreign policy issues.
April 2008 Entered the ALFA TV Project as a member of the founding team that established this Television. He has worked as an editor of the main informative editions of this television channel.
Member of the Council of the Agency
Born on 10 March 1978, in Skopje. Mr. Trajcev graduated from the Faculty of Law, “Sv. Kiril i Metodi” University in Skopje, in 2001, where he obtained a law degree. He passed the Bar Exam in 2005.
2001-2002 Served his internship as a law clerk.
2002-2007 Expert assistant in the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia
2007-2010 Performed the duties of the Director of the Legal Affairs Sector in the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia. Additionally, he managed the work of the International Contracts Department and ran the negotiations on implementing the bilateral social insurance contracts.
Works as a lawyer since 2010