The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held its 9th Session on 08.03.2023, starting at 14:30 hrs.
- Adoption of the Draft-Minutes of the 8th Session of the Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, held on 27.02.2023.
- Draft Decision on announcing a public call for granting a regional-level radio broadcasting license for airing a programme service to a non-profit broadcasting institution, in the area of Skopje region, along with a draft-tender documentation and draft-application.
- Draft Decision on announcing a public call for granting a local-level radio broadcasting license for airing a programme service to a non-profit broadcasting institution, in the area of Tetovo municipality, along with a draft-tender documentation and draft-application.
- Proposals to initiate a procedure for revoking broadcasters’ TV/radio broadcasting licenses.
- Proposal to impose a public warning measure against TRD TV KALTRINA Mazar Tateshi, Struga DOOEL, due to violation of Article 92, Paragraph 1, of the LAAVMS.
- Proposal to issue an approval to conduct a public procurement procedure for the following service: Preventive and adaptive maintenance of the integrated software for legal, financial and economic operations.
- Proposal to issue an approval to conduct a public procurement procedure for the following service: Protection and prevention software for personal computers and servers.
- Proposal to amend the Rulebook on Gross Salaries and other Reimbursements of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.
- Miscellanneous.