Video Materials on Media Literacy

Third Video Published about Jove’s Journey through Media Literacy

Jove is becoming increasingly wiser when it comes to media and his adventures on the Media Literacy Island continue.

This time, he discovers he is being tracked!

Who is tracking him and what can he do about it?

Find out in the third video-spot of Jove’s journey through media literacy.

Spot – Journey through Media Literacy 3: Privacy and Tracking


Media Literacy Through the Words of Mediana

The School of Journalism and Public Relations produced five educational video clips that treat different segments of media literacy. The lead role was given to the young YouTuber Izabela Pan (Izabela Jakimovska), who plays Mediana and explains in a charming way the basic concepts of media literacy, gives advice on how to act responsibly in the online sphere, how to detect fake news, what (journalist) news is and, certainly, how we can use the media to make a positive change in society. The videos are intended, above all, for the young population, but are also interesting for the broader public, as they are designed to raise awareness on issues of public interest.

The AAAVMS has placed these videos on its YouTube channel where anyone interested may freely download and use them – both the citizens who wish to watch them, and the television stations that can air these videos on their programmes. The videos are titled as follows:

1. Media Literacy 

2. Online Life

3. Correct and Verified Information 

4. What is News? 

5. An Engaged Audience 

The video clips have been produced as part of the EU-supported project titled “Media Literacy Coalition”, implemented by the School of Journalism and Public Relations in cooperation with the Media Diversity Institute from London and the Nova Makedonija Daily.


Video spot – “Awareness, What Am I Doing?”

 The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services adapted, for the Macedonian audience, one more video spot from the series of spots by the international organization EAVI. The spot is dedicated to media literacy and is titled “Awareness, What Am I Doing?”.

The video spot was presented at the Agency’ Public Meeting held on 29 December 2016, and the same can be seen at the following link:  Spot: “Awareness, What Am I Doing?”

Video spot – “Adventure through Media Literacy”
The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared a Macedonian version of the animated spot about the adventure of a boy called Jack, who now became Jove. The spot was adapted by the employees of the Agency and Mr. Zoran Petrov from Antenna 5 Radio, who lent his voice to the character of Jove. The spot was titled “Adventure through Media Literacy” and can be downloaded at the following link: Spot “Adventure through Media Literacy”
Video spot – “Where is Goran?” 

 The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services also prepared an adapted Macedonian version of the video “Wo ist Klaus?” (Where is Klaus?) by the German organization, the translation of which was done by employees of the Agency, while the synchronization and subtitling were prepared by SITEL TV. The aim is to draw the parents’ attention once again to the fact that there is software in the Republic of Macedonia which they can use for efficient control over the Internet contents accessed by their child.

The Media Literacy Programme in the Republic of Macedonia and the TV Spot “Where is Klaus?” can be downloaded at the following links: Spot “Where is Goran?” 

