The Agency has opened a public debate on two Draft Rulebooks and one Draft Guideline

Skopje, 05.11.2014 – On its 17th session, held on 05.11.2014, The Council of the Agency adopted the following Draft Rulebooks and the Draft Guideline…

Draft Guideline on the application of the provisions for product placement

Draft Rulebook on programmes with prize participation and usage of telephone services with added value

Draft Rulebook on the procedures for financial and accounting operations of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services

The Agency is inviting all interested parties to submit their comments on the stated documents within a period of 30 (thirty) days, that is, by 04 December 2014, at the latest, on the following e-address: or at the post address of the Agency: Blvd. “VMRO” No 3, 1000 Skopje.