Skopje, 20.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared an Analysis of the Structure of Employees in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014, which contains data about the total number of employees in the public broadcasting service and the commercial television and radio stations at the state, regional and local levels.[…]
Month: October 2015
Data about the radio stations’ reach and the share of satellite, regional and local TVs in the total viewership – 2015 Q3
Скопје, 16.10.2015 –The data about the radio-stations’ reach and the audience share of the television stations broadcasting programme at the state level via satellite or via a public electronic communications network,[…]
Analysis of the employees’ structure by ethnicity in the audio and audiovisual media sector in 2014
Skopje, 07.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has prepared an Analysis of the Employees’ Structure by Ethnicity in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014.[…]
17th Plenary Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities held in Split
06.10.2015 – The Agency for Electronic Media of the Republic of Croatia hosted, on 1 and 2 October 2015, the 17th Plenary Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities (MNRA), which was attended by representatives of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.[…]