Skopje, 06.11.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted monitoring of the election-related media coverage by 18 programming services. The monitoring was focused on Articles 75, Paragraph 1, and 75-b of the Election Code.
The monitoring of the election-related media coverage, conducted in the period from 22 until 31 October 2016, covered the following programming services: the channels of the Macedonian Radio and Television Makedonska Radiotelevizija– Prv programsk iservis (MRA1), Makedonska Radiotelevizija– Tret programski servis (MRA3), Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Prvprogramski servis (MRT1), Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Vtor programski servis (MRT2); TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje; Nasha TV DOOEL Skopje; TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje; TV Alsat-M DOO Skopje; TV ART DOO Tetovo; TV Kanal 5 DOOEL Skopje; TV Nova DOOEL Skopje; TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje; TV Sitel DOOEL Skopje; TV Sonce DOOEL Skopje; TV Telma DOOEL Skopje; TV 24 Vesti DOOEL Shtip, Radio SlobodnaMakedonija DOOEL SkopjeandRadio Kanal 77 DOOEL Shtip.
The written reports on the monitoring conducted are available at the following links:
MakedonskaRadiotelevizija– Prvprogramskiservis (MRT1)
MakedonskaRadiotelevizija– Prvprogramskiservis (MRA1)
MakedonskaRadiotelevizija– Vtorprogramskiservis (MRT2)