Skopje, 13 July 2018 – The Commission on Protection against Discrimination (CPD) has decided not to initiate proceedings against Alfa TV for ethnic-based discrimination committed in the “Milenko Nedelkovski Show, aired on 27.01.2018.
In the opinion that the CPD has forwarded to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in response to the latter’s presentation, it states that “it refers to the wrong entity (Alfa TV)”, as the show is an independent external project and the television station had dissociated itself from the standpoints presented in the show before its beginning.
These claims are incorrect, as the Law clearly and unambiguously locates the responsibility with the broadcasters for all contents that they air in their programmes, the more so because the show had not been aired live but had been recorded prior to its broadcasting and Alfa TV could have intervened editorially.
The Agency hopes that the Commission will reconsider its stance not to initiate a procedure against Alfa TV.
Response to the Opinion of the Commission on Protection against Discrimination regarding ALFA TV case
Opinion of the Commission on Protection against Discrimination on ALFA TV case
Complaint concerning Alfa TV case submitted to the Commission on Protection against Discrimination