Ad Hoc Administrative Supervision Conducted over Nova TV

Skopje, 15 August 2018 – An ad hoc administrative supervision was conducted over Nova TV – in a state of bankruptcy – concerning the observance of the obligations arising from the Rulebook on Minimum Technical, Spatial, Financial and Staffing Conditions Required for Obtaining a Radio or Television Broadcasting License. On this occasion, it was established that the television station did not meet the minimum staffing conditions stipulated by the relevant Rulebook.

Nova TV, which is in a state of bankruptcy, notified the Agency on 15 August 2018 that all employees that had had a status of employed persons on the day of opening the bankruptcy procedure, had been sacked on the part of the bankruptcy trustee and Nova TV, and that there were no employed persons in this television station, but that, following the opening of the bankruptcy procedure, the bankruptcy trustee had hired two persons.

The supervision report is available at the following link:

Nova TV (Article 22 of the Rulebook on Minimum Technical, Spatial, Financial and Staffing Conditions Required for Obtaining a Radio or Television Broadcasting License) – 15.08.2018