Skopje, 17 September 2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held a working meeting today, at which it presented the Draft-Methodology for Monitoring Electoral Media Coverage by the Radio and Television Programming Services during Electoral Processes, and the Draft Guidelines on Meeting the Obligations to Publish Impressums and Information That Should be Made Available to the Users. The goal of the meeting was to hear the standpoints of all parties concerned with regard to these documents[…]
Month: September 2018
Violation of the Rules for Referendum-Related Advertising
Skopje, 14 September 2018 – Based on the monitoring of the media coverage related to the forthcoming Referendum, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services found several violations of the rules for airing paid public propaganda with a number of broadcasters[…]
Ad Hoc Supervision over 1 TV Due to a Complaint concerning the Principles of Performing One’s Professional Activities
Skopje, 13 September 2018 – Acting upon a complaint it had received, the Agency conducted an ad hoc supervision over the editions of the programming slots titled “Moda” (“Fashion”) which are part of the current affairs programme of “Studio 1” broadcasted by 1 TV, which had been aired on 30 May, 20 July and 1 August 2018[…]
Control Supervision Conducted over KTV TV, M TV and USKANA EDEN TV
Skopje, 13 September 2018 – The Agency conducted control programme supervision over the work of KTV TV, M TV and USKANA EDEN TV to verify if the latter had acted upon the Decisions to Impose Warning Measures, which it had previously sent to these broadcasters due to failure to air programme originally created in the Republic of Macedonia[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Antena 5 Radio, Kanal 77 Radio and Radio Metropolis
Skopje, 13 September 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over Antena 5 RA, Kanal 77 RA and RA Metropolis, regarding the legal provisions that regulate the language use in the programmes of the broadcasters, airing of at least 18 hours of programme on the radio, airing of a minimum of 50 % of programme originally made in the RM[…]
Ad Hoc Administrative Supervision Conducted over “Bahce” Magazine
Skopje, 12 September 2018 – The Agency conducted ad hoc administrative supervision over the JENI BALKAN DOOEL export-import Skopje Manufacturing, Trade and Services Company, as the publisher of the “Bahce” Magazine, to verify if the latter had been observing the requirement to publish an Impressum[…]
OSCE/ODIHR Representatives Pay Working Visit to the Agency
Skopje, 11 September 2018 – An OSCE/ODIHR Delegation, led by H. E. Ambassador Jan Petersen, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Monitoring Mission in Skopje for the Referendum, and Mr. Marek Mrachka, Media Analyst, had a meeting today with the Director of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, Mr. Zoran Trajchevski, at the Agency premises[…]
Decision to Warn IP SISTEMS to Terminate Retransmission of Certain Programming Services
Skopje, 10 September 2018 – Based on its regular programme supervision over the work of IP SISTEMS, and the detected retransmission of the Boomerang and Cartoon Network programming services which had not been covered by the programme service registration certificates issued by the Agency[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Seven Cable Operators
Skopje, 7 September 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the GLOBALSAT, INFEL-KTV, IP SISTEMS, KABLEKALL, MULTIMEDIJA NETVORK L, SKREMBL and SPAJDER-NET cable operators concerning the requirements to register their programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes that they retransmit[…]
Agency Holds Bilateral Meeting with the Electronic Media Agency of the Republic of Croatia
Skopje, 5 September 2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and representatives of the Electronic Media Agency of the Republic of Croatia agreed in Skopje today on expanding their mutual cooperation and increasing their exchange of experiences in the area of media regulation[…]