Session No. 26 – 04.07.2019

The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services schedules the 26th Session on 04.07.2019 (Thursday), starting at 11:00 hrs.


  1. Adoption of the Draft Minutes of the 25th Session of the Agency Council, held on 17.06.2019.
  2. Draft decision on initiating a procedure to establish possible violation of Article 34, of the LAAVMS, in the case of TRD 1 TV DOOEL Skopje
  3. Proposal to impose a measure of public warning against RTD ARACINA DOOEL, s. Aracina, from the village of Aracinovo, due to violation of Article 15, Paragraph 5,  of the Media Law.
  4. Proposal to impose a measure of public warning against TRD TELEVIZIJA KOCANI – LD DOOEL Kocani, due to violation of Article 15, Paragraph 5,  of the Media Law.
  5. Draft Information to the authorities regulating author’s and related rights.
  6. Miscellaneous

