Skopje, September 25, 2012 – BC denies all information in the daily newspaper DEN from September 25, 2012, that it had allegedly received materials, from which one could conclude that the company, which represents itself as SCTV is legal.
The documents that have arrived in BC have many inconsistencies, like different logos in different letters, no official stamps, and in the last case they even had signatures of third persons, which were not valid. In the received documentations there are only statements with no legally valid documents enclosed, which would support these statements.
All these inconsistencies, including the official stamps, which are means of legal validation both in the European Union and in this particular case, in Australia, do not confirm the validity and the legal work of the company, which represents itself as SCTV and which claims that it possesses the brands BOM TV and K-15 Music.
Here are shown the different logos, the SCTV is using: