May 18, 2013 – Press release-modification of the broadcasting license

Skopje, May 18, 2013 – With the entry into force of the Law Amending the Law on Broadcasting, legal conditions were created for the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting of television signal in the Republic of Macedonia.

The analogue TV signal will be disconnected on 31 May 2013, and after this date the existing television broadcasters broadcasting analogously at the national, regional or local level have no right to use radio frequencies for analogue broadcasting awarded by the Agency for Electronic Communications. If they do not acquire an amended broadcasting license, the existing licence will cease to be valid from 1 June 2013.

All televisions that plan to continue broadcasting and that broadcast the programme terrestrially analogously, without exception, should seek technical means via which they will be broadcasting, within 5 days of the entry into force of the amendments, or as of 21 May 2013. Local televisions also have the opportunity to change the area of ​​broadcasting, so that they will become regional televisions.

More details on the conditions and the manner on making the necessary modifications to the broadcasting license are available on the Council website:, in the Guideline for television programme services for modification of the broadcasting license.

