Agency Performs Regular Supervision over SPAJDER-NET and PET NET

Skopje, 21.06.2017 The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted regular programme supervision over the work of the “SPAJDER-NET uvoz-izvoz DOO Gevgelija” Manufacturing, Trade and Services Company and the “PET NET DOO Gevgelija” Telecommunications Company, concerning several provisions of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (LAAVMS).

The regular supervision found that “PET NET DOO Gevgelija” had aired programming services that had not been included in the programming services registration certificates issued by the Agency, i.e. it had violated Article 141 of the LAAVMS, whereas “SPAJDER-NET uvoz-izvoz DOO Gevgelija” had acted in line with the legal provisions.

The respective reports are available at the following links



