Expenditures Incurred by the Agency Director In the First Half of 2022

Skopje, 1 July 2022 – In accordance with its efforts to ensure transparency and accountability, and abiding by its own established practice of publishing information about the expenditures incurred by Agency Director Zoran Trajchevski every six months, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services hereby informs the public of the following:

In the period from 01.01.2022 to 30.06.2022, while performing the tasks of his office, Director Trajchevski incurred expenditures totaling MKD 157,475.00, as follows:

  1. Representation expenses (catering services for hosting representatives of embassies, members of the Agency Council and business partners) – MKD 84,847.00
  2. Official mobile phone – MKD 15,130.00
  3. Expenses for travelling abroad – MKD 57,498.00

