10.05.2011г. СРД им изрече мерки на радиодифузерите што ги прекршија правилата за медиумското покривање на предизборните активности…

СКОПЈЕ, 10.05.2011 – Советот за радиодифузија (СРД) на последната седница – врз основа на извршените анализи од редовниот мониторинг – им изрече мерки на радиодифузерите, коишто ги прекршија правилата за медиумското покривање на предизборните активности.[…]

19.04.2011 BC adopted the Final Drafts of the Rulebooks for Media Coverage of the Elections and requested an Opinion from SEC

SKOPJE, 19.04.2011 – Late this afternoon the Broadcasting Council (BC) adopted the final drafts of the rulebooks for media coverage of the elections, which cover the period prior to the beginning of the official election campaign and the campaigning period. At the same time all comments and remarks, which had been submitted  by the broadcasters, Centre for Media Development and civil society organizations, were reviewed and taken into account.[…]

15.04.2011 Denial of the Accusations of VMRO DPMNE

SKOPJE, 15.04.2011 – The Broadcasting Council is an independent regulatory authority and strongly denies the allegations, expressed on today’s press conference of the ruling party VMRO DPMNE. These allegations are the most non-democratic attempt of one political entity to put a pressure on one independent media regulatory authority.This kind of behavior suits to totalitarian regimes, and not to democratic societies.


15.04.2011 A Roundtable about the Rulebooks on the Media Coverage of the Elections was held in the Broadcasting Council

SKOPJE, 15.04.2011 – Over 60 representatives from the media, civil society organizations and international organizations actively participated on the roundtable, organized by the Broadcasting Council on 14th and 15th April, focused on the rulebooks for media coverage of the elections’ campaign as well as the period from the announcement of the elections until the official start of the election campaign. These rulebooks have been drafted according to the current Electoral Code, including its latest amendments.

