Agency Conducts Monitoring of 18 Programming Services

Skopje, 17 September 2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted monitoring over the following 18 (eighteen) programming services: the channels of the Macedonian Radio and Television Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Prv programski servis (MRA1), Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Tret programski servis (MRA3), Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Prv programski servis (MRT1), Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Vtor programski servis (MRT2); TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje; Nasha TV DOOEL Skopje; TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje; TV Alsat-M DOO Skopje; TV ART DOO Tetovo; TV Kanal  5 DOOEL Skopje; TV Nova DOOEL Skopje; TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje; TV Sitel DOOEL Skopje; TV Sonce DOOEL Skopje; TV Telma DOOEL Skopje; TV 24 Vesti DOOEL Shtip, Radio Slobodna Makedonija DOOEL Skopje and Radio Kanal 77 DOOEL Shtip.[…]

Warning Measure Imposed against Hana TV, Kumanovo

Skopje, 18.08.2016 – Based on a regular administrative supervision conducted over the work of TV Hana – Mevljan DOOEL Kumanovo and an established violation of Article 14, of the Media Law in full, a warning measure has been imposed against this broadcaster and it has been given a 45-day deadline, from the day of receiving the warning measure notice, to harmonize its work with the legal provision at issue.[…]


Skopje, 24.06.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted programme supervision, through which it compared the programme that Kanal 77 Radio broadcasted in Skopje, Bitola and Stip, and found differences in the scope and composition of some of the advertising slots broadcast in different areas, whereas the music and the content of the shows – the journalistically  designed items – were identical.


Misdemeanor procedure initiated against Sitel TV

Skopje, 14.06.2016 –The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted a control programme supervision over the Televizija Sitel DOOEL Skopje Trade and Broadcasting Company, with the aim of verifying if this broadcaster has acted upon the Decision to Undertake a Warning Measure, issued due to violation of Article 50, […]

