Reports on detected violations against the Electoral Code

Skopje, 13 May 2016 –The monitoring of media coverage in the news, conducted in the period from 25 April until 4 May 2016, has found that Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV and Sitel TV have been reporting on the activities of the government authorities as means of election-related media coverage of VMRO/DPMNE, thus violating Article 75-b of the Electoral Code.[…]

Reports on ad hoc supervisions following SDSM’s complaints

Skopje, 15.04.2016 – Based on six complaints submitted by the Social-Democratic Alliance of Macedonia, the Agency conducted several ad hoc supervisions over the programmes of the national televisions of Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV, Nova TV and Sitel TV. The complaints concerned the observance of the principles under Article 61 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services. The supervision found several instances of non-observance of the law. The Agency has notified the televisions about the findings. The details established by the supervision are given in the reports.[…]

Hate speech on Kanal 5 TV

Skopje, 09.03.2016 – Based on the results of an ad hoc supervision of several editions of the “MIlenko Nedelkovski Show” in a row, the Agency has reached a conclusion that Kanal 5 TV has violated Article 48 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services by successively making editorial decisions that made it possible for the author of the show to incite and spread discrimination, intolerance and hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.[…]

Quota on originally created programme increased; no changes regarding music

Skopje, 13.01.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services wishes to remind the media that the required percentage of broadcast originally created programme in the Republic of Macedonia in the Macedonian language or the language of the non-majority communities living in the Republic of Macedonia increases in 2016. As stipulated in Article 92, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, starting from 1 January 2016, the obligation to broadcast originally created programme is 50 % and 60 % of the total of broadcast programme during one day and night for the trade broadcasting companies and non-profit broadcasting institutions and the Public Broadcasting Services, respectively, excluding the time dedicated to the contents that are not subject to classification.[…]

Methodology for monitoring media election coverage by the radio and television programme services during election processes adopted

Skopje, 05.01.2016 – In accordance with the obligation laid down in the Law on Amending and Supplementing the Electoral Code, which came into force on 10 November 2015, the Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services adopted, at today’s session, the Methodology for Monitoring Media Election Coverage by the Radio and Television Programme Services during Election Processes.

