Skopje, 20.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared an Analysis of the Structure of Employees in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014, which contains data about the total number of employees in the public broadcasting service and the commercial television and radio stations at the state, regional and local levels.[…]
Data about the radio stations’ reach and the share of satellite, regional and local TVs in the total viewership – 2015 Q3
Скопје, 16.10.2015 –The data about the radio-stations’ reach and the audience share of the television stations broadcasting programme at the state level via satellite or via a public electronic communications network,[…]
Analysis of the employees’ structure by ethnicity in the audio and audiovisual media sector in 2014
Skopje, 07.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has prepared an Analysis of the Employees’ Structure by Ethnicity in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014.[…]
Conclusions of the regional meeting of regulatory bodies dedicated to promoting protection of minors in the reality show programmes
Skopje, 16.07.2015 – The conclusions reached at the regional meeting of regulatory bodies dedicated to promoting the protection of minors in reality show programmes[…]
Procedure for Communicating with Citizens with a Certain Type and Degree of Disability
Skopje.15.07.2015 – The Procedure for Communicating with Citizens with a Certain Type and Degree of Disability, and for the realization of the project “Accessible Administration for the Handicapped,”[…]
Data on the radio stations’ range and the share of satellite, regional and local TVs in the total viewership – second quarter of 2015
Skopje 13.07.2015 – The data about the range of the radio stations and the share that the television stations broadcasting programme at the state level via satellite[…]
Closing Conference of the IPA TAIB 2009 Project
Skopje, 28 May 2015 – The Closing Conference of the EU-financed IPA TAIB 2009 Project, titled “Enhancing the Administrative Capacities of Telecom and Media Authorities for Efficient Regulation of New Digital and Multiple Play Services”,[…]
Decision to warn the GLOBALSAT operator of public electronic communications network
Skopje, 12.05.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services carried out regular supervision over the work of GLOBALSAT DOOEL Skopje,[…]
Broadcasters to adjust their programmes accordingly on 10 and 11 May 2015, the national days of mourning
Skopje, 10.05.2015 – The Government of the Republic of Macedonia declared 10 and 11 May 2015 as national days of mourning following the death of several members of the Ministry of Interior’s security forces,[…]
Workshops on the product placement rules and the rules on new advertising techniques
Skopje, 05.05.2015 – Within the framework of the IPA Project for “Enhancing the Administrative Capacities of Telecom and Media Authorities for Efficient Regulation of New Digital and Multiple Play Services”,[…]