Skopje, 8 August 2016 – The Government of the Republic of Macedonia has declared this day, 8 August 2016, a National Day of Mourning, to mourn the large number of casualties killed by the extreme weather that hit Skopje and its surroundings.
Соопштенија за медиуми-en
New submission cycle opened for media development project proposals
Skopje, 29.06.2016 – Based on the correspondence received from the Ministry of Culture, UNESCO National Commission, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services informs all media and media organizations that the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) has opened a new submission cycle for media development project proposals, in the areas stated in the letter attached below.
The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns the incident in TV21
Skopje, 18.06.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns yesterday’s incident in TV21. The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services appeals against hindering the everyday work of the media […]
AAAVMU’s activities for popularizing the right to reply and correction
Skopje, 13 June 2016 – In the past period, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has conducted a number of activities aimed at raising public awareness about the exercise of one’s right to reply and correction. This right is a mechanism that enables citizens and legal entities to call the media to responsibility in cases where the latter have published incorrect information or violated one’s rights and interests, either by accident or intentionally.
Skopje, 20 May 2016 – Usually, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services’ reactions are short and concise. However, the two latest retorts to the conclusions of the monitoring of media coverage in the period following the announcement of the 2016 early parliamentary elections – one from the SDSM and the other one from the Macedonian Media Association – seek to gather at one place and present the facts of the regulator’s 18-year long operation.
Students of “Brakja Miladinovci” Elementary School pay visit to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 20.05.2016 – Ninth-grade students of the “Brakja Miladinovci” Elementary School in Skopje paid a visit to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services today, as part of their civic education classes. During their visit, they had an opportunity to learn about the Agency’s organization, competences and operation in practice.[…]
Skopje, 13 May 2016 – In its second report on the monitoring of media coverage in the news following the calling of elections, which covers the period 25 April-4 May 2016, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has concluded that the Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV and Sitel TV had been reporting on the activities of the government authorities as means of election-related media coverage of VMRO/DPMNE. Misdemeanour procedures have been initiated against the detected offences.[…]
Skopje, 28 April 2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services concludes, in its Report on Media Coverage in the First Ten Days following the Calling of Elections, that some of the media have not been observing the programming principles for objective and unbiased presentation of the developments, provision of diverse viewpoints and their equal treatment, […]
Attack on SITEL TV condemned
Skopje, 07.05.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns most strongly the attack on Sitel TV by participants in what is called the Colourful Revolution, which took place yesterday evening.[…]
Broadcasters should submit recordings of their PPA price list announcements
Skopje, 06.05.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services wishes to remind all broadcasters who have submitted price lists for paid political advertising, that, in line with the provisions of Article 75-f, Point 4 of the Electoral Code, they are obligated to announce their adopted PPA price lists in their programme at least twice before the start of the election campaign, which, according to the adopted Schedule of the State Election Commission, commences on 16 May 2016.[…]