Skopje, 11.03.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns most strongly yesterday’s attack on the 24 Vesti TV journalist crew.[…]
Notification by the Primary Public Prosecution on the Action Request against SITEL TV for Inciting and Spreading Discrimination, Intolerance and Hatred
Skopje, 03.03.2017 – The Primary Public Prosecution submitted a Notification to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services concerning the latter’s request to take action against TRD SITEL DOOEL Skopje,[…]
<span>There is no translation available for this article…</span><!–more–>
Skopje, 20 May 2016 – Usually, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services’ reactions are short and concise. However, the two latest retorts to the conclusions of the monitoring of media coverage in the period following the announcement of the 2016 early parliamentary elections – one from the SDSM and the other one from the Macedonian Media Association – seek to gather at one place and present the facts of the regulator’s 18-year long operation.
Denial of SDSM’s Press Release titled “AAAVMS should sanction SITEL TV for airing lies and stirring interethnic tensions, or it will be considered an accomplice”
Skopje, 23.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly denies the claims presented in today’s press release by SDSM, stating that the latter expects the AAAVMS to sanction SITEL TV for broadcasting an item titled “Is there a plan for Macedonia’s federalization hiding behind the scriptwriter’s scenario of destabilization?”, and that SDSM has submitted a due complaint to the AAAVMS.