Decisions/Acts adopted at Session No. 7, dated 27.02.2015

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Radio Broadcasting License from TRD EMI Dzevdet DOOEL, Zirovnica village, Rostuse

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Radio Broadcasting License from TRD DZEZ RADIO ALEKSANDAR MAKEDONSKI Ilija Tanevski DOOEL Kicevo

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Radio Broadcasting License from TRD RADIO B-97 DOOEL Bitola

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Television Broadcasting License from TRD TV EDO DOOEL, Ljubin village, Saraj

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Television Broadcasting License from TRD TV LAZANI DOOEL, Lazani village, Dolneni

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Television Broadcasting License from TRD TV NOVA DOO Gevgelija

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Television Broadcasting License from TRD TV SUTEL DOOEL, Skopje

pdfConclusion on Ceasing the Initiated Procedure for Withdrawal of the Television Broadcasting License from TRD TELEVIZIJA SONCE DOOEL Prilep

pdfDecision on Changing the Ownership Structure of TRD HOME RADIO DOOEL Skopje

