Skopje, 10 October 2016 – Further to the proposals submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has filed requests for initiating misdemeanor proceedings where the court would pronounce misdemeanor sanctions, i.e. warnings, against Nova TV and Alfa YV, while initiating a settlement procedure aainst the Sitel TV.
The above-mentioned broadcasters violated Article 75-b of the Electoral Code in the period from 22 September until 1 October 2016.
All proposals can be downloaded at the links given below:
– Proposal to impose a warning measure against TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal to impose a warning measure against TV Nova DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal to impose a measure, i.e. fine, against TV Sitel DOOEL Skopje
Proposals by the Ad-Hoc Committee not to impose measures:
– Proposal not to impose a measure against Makedonska Radiotelevizija – First Programming Service (MRT1)
– Proposal not to impose a measure against Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Second Programming Service (MRT2)
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Kanal 5 DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Sitel DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Telma DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Alsat-M DOO Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV 24 Vesti DOOEL Stip
– Proposal not to impose a measure against Nasha TV DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV NOVA DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV ART DOO Tetovo
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against TV Sonce DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against Radio Slobodna Makedonija DOOEL Skopje
– Proposal not to impose a measure against Radio Kanal 77 DOOEL Stip