Skopje, 08.08.2018 – An OSCE/ODIHR delegation, led by Senior Advisor on New Voting Technologies Steven Martin , held a meeting today at the Agency’s premises with the President of the Agency Council Lazo Petrushevski and representatives of the Agency’s professional service. The participants in the meeting discussed the media coverage and the Agency’s activities related to the forthcoming Referendum.
The Agency representatives informed that, concerning the fact that the Law on Referenda and Other Forms of Direct Expression of the Citizens’ Will does not contain precise rules on the manner of media reporting and the airing of public propaganda, draft-recommendations had been prepared, which would be finalized after the closure of the public debate on 17 August.
As regards SEC’s Explanation for the Media and Media Coverage, the Agency reiterated its stance that all interested entities should be provided equal conditions for access to paid political propaganda, with eq1ual prices for all.