Gender in Children’s Programmes in the Spotlight of AAAVMS’ Public Meeting

Skopje, 30 June 2020 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held a Public Meeting today using video conferencing due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. At the meeting, Agency Director Zoran Trajchevski presented an overview of the numerous activities carried out in accordance with the Annual Work Programmefor the past six months.

Those attending had the opportunity to hear about the activities related to the monitoring of the election process of the Early Parliamentary Elections, the supervisions conducted over the broadcasters, the operators of public electronic communication networks andthe print media publishers, the imposed public warning measures, the analyzes and studies conducted and the activities in the sphere of international cooperation.[…]

Gender Issues in the Мedia in the Spotlight of AAAVMS’ Fourth Public Meeting

Skopje, 25 December 2019 – The Agency held its last Public Meeting in 2019, today. On this occasion, Agency Director Zoran Trajchevski presented the activities carried out in accordance with the Annual Work Programme for the past quarter. He made a summary of the supervisions conducted over the broadcasters, the operators of public electronic communication networks, the providers of on-demand AVMS and the print media publishers, the public warning measures that had been imposed, the studies, activities in the international sphere and operations within the frameworks of the country’s European integration process.[…]


Skopje, 25 July, 2019 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns the summoning of journalists Goran Momiroski and Ljupco Zlatev to the Skopje Department of the Interior Ministry due to their articles about an alleged abuse of the official position of the General Secretary of the Government of RSM and the request to disclose their sources of information.[…]

MoI Sends Reply to the AAAVMS

Skopje, 23.07.2019 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services informs the public that the Ministry of Interior has sent a reply to the Agency’s request for information on whether the person Bojan Jovanovski had used the close protection services of this Ministry in his capacity as owner of 1 TV[…]


Skopje, 18 July 2019 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is unpleasantly surprised by today’s press release of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, in which it tendentiously suggests that the Agency did not take any action regarding the possible abuse of 1 TV for illegal activities[…]

