Denial of SDSM’s Press Release titled “AAAVMS should sanction SITEL TV for airing lies and stirring interethnic tensions, or it will be considered an accomplice”

Skopje, 23.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly denies the claims presented in today’s press release by SDSM, stating that the latter expects the AAAVMS to sanction SITEL TV for broadcasting an item titled “Is there a plan for Macedonia’s federalization hiding behind the scriptwriter’s scenario of destabilization?”, and that SDSM has submitted a due complaint to the AAAVMS.


Reports on ad hoc supervisions following SDSM’s complaints

Skopje, 15.04.2016 – Based on six complaints submitted by the Social-Democratic Alliance of Macedonia, the Agency conducted several ad hoc supervisions over the programmes of the national televisions of Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV, Nova TV and Sitel TV. The complaints concerned the observance of the principles under Article 61 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services. The supervision found several instances of non-observance of the law. The Agency has notified the televisions about the findings. The details established by the supervision are given in the reports.[…]

Fifteen broadcasters fail to meet obligation to submit annual reports regarding fulfillment of requirements relating to their radio or TV broadcasting licenses

Skopje, 12.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted regular administrative supervision over all broadcasters with the aim of finding if they had met the obligation under Article 15, Paragraph 5 of the Media Law, to submit to the Agency, within the legally envisaged deadline (31 March 2016), written reports regarding fulfillment of the requirements specified in their TV or radio broadcasting licenses.[…]

