29.11.2011 BC noted the Termination of the License of ALB TV
SKOPJE, 29.11.2011 – On the 19th session of BC, held on 28.11.2011, the BC noted the termination of the broadcasting license of ALB TV Skopje, upon previous request by this broadcaster.[…]
24.11.2010 BC strengthens the cooperation with the Slovenian partners
21.10.2011 The Broadcasting Council instructed the TV stations to be careful when showing Scenes with Excessive Violence
SKOPJE, 21.10.2011 – Many complains came to the BC about the manner of broadcasting of the videos, which testify for the arrestment and death of Muammar al- Gadafi in the News of the TV stations.[…]
07.09.2011 BC expresses Concerns for the Self-initiated Disruption of the Broadcasting by the Satellite Television ALB
SKOPJE, 7 september 2011– The monitoring carried out by the Broadcasting council has identified that the Albanian language satellite television station ALB (Enterprise for telecommunications and broadcasting ALB TV 2010) as of 23 August 2011 has self initiated disruption of the programme broadcasting without informing the BC about the action.[…]
23.08.2011 B92 will not be retransmitted in Macedonia
SKOPJE, 23.08.2011 – Television B92 from Belgrade, R.Serbia delivered a notice to the Broadcasting Council (BC) to withdraw the given authority for broadcasting of the television programme service B92 over the public broadcasting networks in Republic of Macedonia,[…]
12.07.2011 BC is strengthening the Cooperation with the Independent Media Commission of Republic of Kosovo
SKOPJE, 07.11.2011 – Digitalization of the broadcasting, methodologies for monitoring of the programming, copyright protection, implementation of IPA funded projects were in the focus of today’s meeting between delegation of Kosovo’s Independent Commission for Media, led bu Ms. Naile Krasniqi, hosted by the Broadcasting Council.[…]
16.06.2011г. СРД додели нови дозволи за вршење радиодифузна дејност
СКОПЈЕ, 16.06.2011 – На 12-та јавна седница, Советот за радиодифузија додели три нови дозволи за вршење радиодифузна дејност.[…]
17.06.2011г. Демант на Советот за радиодифузија на последните обвинувања за наводно незаконско работење
СКОПЈЕ, 17 јуни 2011 – Советот за радиодифузија категорично ги демантира и ги отфрла обвинувањата против СРД, изнесени во неколку медиуми во однос на намирувањето на долгот на А1 Телевизија кон регулаторното тело за надоместокот на дозволата за вршење радиодифузна дејност.[…]
08.06.2011 Press conference of the Broadcasting Council for the results of the media coverage on the elections by the media on national level on the early parliamentary elections 2011
SKOPJE, 08.06.2011 – The Broadcasting Council will organize a press conference where it will present the results from the media coverage of the elections by the media on national level for the early parliamentary elections 2011.[…]