Skopje, 25 October 2024 – The Conference on “Media Literacy Policies in the Artificial Intelligence Era”, due to take place on 28 October 2024, at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence in Skopje, shall mark the start of the sixth edition of the Media Literacy Days (2024), organized by the Media Literacy Network[…]


Skopje, 25 October 2024The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly condemns the act of setting fire to the vehicle of the owner of the M-Net HD regional television station from Shtip, Blagoj Sersemov, by unknown perpetrators in the yard of his family house[…]

Clarification for the candidates for the announced Public Competition, for granting a license for radio broadcasting of a program service of a non-profit broadcasting institution at the local level, in the area of ​​the municipality of Negotino

Skopje, 10 October 2024 – With regard to the Decision on Announcing a Public Call for Granting a License for Broadcasting of a Radio Programming Service to a Non-Profit Broadcasting Institution at the Local Level, Ref. No. UP1 br. 08-265, dated 02.10.2024. (published on 08.10.2024 in the “Official Gazette of RNM” No. 207), we wish to inform you as follows:[…]

AVMS Holds Third Public Meeting for 2024

Skopje, 27 September 2024 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held its third public meeting for this year, at which Agency Director Zoran Trajchevski presented an overview of the activities carried out in accordance with the Annual Work Programme for the past three months. Those present had the opportunity to hear about the activities related to the supervisions conducted over radio broadcasters, operators of public electronic communication networks, print media publishers, the public warning measures imposed, the completed studies and the activities in the field of international cooperation.[…]

Public Hearing Opened on the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Sponsorship, the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minors’ Protection, and the Draft Guidebook on Monitoring Hate Speech – Second Supplemented and Amended Edition

Skopje, 18 July 2024 –At the 29th Session held on July 17, the Agency Council adopted the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Sponsorship, the Draft Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minors’ Protection, and the Draft Guidebook on Monitoring Hate Speech – Second Supplemented and Amended Edition[…]

