Skopje, 02.05.2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has ascertained the fact that, on 26 April 2018, most of the national television stations did not report on the protest against the name change, titled “Republic of Macedonia Erga Omnes”[…]
Featured Articles
Warning Measures Imposed against BUBA MARA Radio, HIT RADIO and RADIO KOCANI
Skopje, 27 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programmes of Buba Mara Radio, Hit Radio and Radio Kocani FM, indicating disregard for the obligation to submit to the Agency, within the legally prescribed deadline, written reports on meeting the requirements set forth in the radio broadcasting licenses[…]
Warning Measures Imposed against 7 Broadcasters
Skopje, 27 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programmes of Radio Klub FM, Radio BI-KI-AL, Radio Fortuna, Siti Radio and Kapitol FM, indicating disregard for the obligation to submit to the Agency, within the legally prescribed deadline, written reports on meeting the requirements set forth in the radio broadcasting licenses[…]
Warning Measures Imposed against Art Channel TV and Kanal 21 TV
Skopje, 25 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programme of Art Channel TV, indicating disregard for the obligation to publish an Impressum, the Agency imposed a warning measure against the above broadcaster[…]
Warning Measures Imposed against KOMPANI 21 TV, Radio PRO FM and the PORTA 3 Monthly
Skopje, 24 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular programme supervision over the programme of KOMPANI 21-M TV, indicating disregard for the obligation to protect minors from programmes that may harm their physical, psychological and mora development, the Agency imposed a warning measure against the above broadcaster[…]
Warning Measures Imposed against SHENJA TV, Televizija Nova and the Leona Magazine
Skopje, 23 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programmes of Shenja TV and Televizija Nova, indicating disregard for the obligation to publish an Impressum, the Agency imposed warning measures against the two broadcasters[…]
Warning Measures Imposed against AKORD Radio, RFM Radio and USKANA-PLUS Radio
Skopje, 30 April 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programmes of Akord Radio, RFM Radio and USKANA PLUS Radio, indicating disregard for the obligation to submit to the Agency, within the legally prescribed deadline, written reports on meeting the requirements set forth in the radio broadcasting license[…]
Ad Hoc Administrative Supervision Conducted over Radio Slobodna Makedonija
Skopje, 27 April 2018 – The Agency conducted an ad hoc administrative supervision over the programming service of Radio Slobodna Makedonija from Skopje, concerning the latter’s observance of the obligations arising from the Rulebook on Minimum Technical[…]
Students of the Faculty of Economy in Skopje Visit the Agency
Skopje, 24 April 2018 – Students of the Economy Department of the Ss Cyril and Methodius University’s Faculty of Economy in Skopje, paid a visit to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services today, as part of their practical tuition in the subject of State Regulation[…]
Public Debate Opened on the Draft Guidelines for Monitoring Programming Concept Implementation
Skopje, 23 April 2018 – The ad hoc supervision concerning observance of Article 67, Paragraph 6, of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, which stipulates that broadcasters are obligated to carry out, within a week, 80 % of their programming concepts, for which they have been granted their radio or TV broadcasting licenses[…]