Skopje, 15.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services most strongly condemns the attack on Radio Slobodna Makedonija during yesterday’s protests.[…]
Featured Articles
Skopje,14.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns the violence against journalists during yesterday’s protests and considers these acts as direct attacks on the freedom of the media and the right of the public to be informed.[…]
Skopje, 14.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services received, through the Macedonian Foreign Ministry, a Note Verbale from the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Sofia regarding the accreditation of journalists for use of the services of the Rio Media Centre (RMC) during the upcoming 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio De Janeiro.[…]
Fifteen broadcasters fail to meet obligation to submit annual reports regarding fulfillment of requirements relating to their radio or TV broadcasting licenses
Skopje, 12.04.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted regular administrative supervision over all broadcasters with the aim of finding if they had met the obligation under Article 15, Paragraph 5 of the Media Law, to submit to the Agency, within the legally envisaged deadline (31 March 2016), written reports regarding fulfillment of the requirements specified in their TV or radio broadcasting licenses.[…]
Agency takes part in the Follow Up on the “Speak-Up” Conference
Skopje, 07.06.2016 – The Follow-Up on the “Speak-Up” Conference was held in Skopje today, as part of the EU efforts to support freedom of expression and the freedom of media.[…]
AAAVMU Dedicates First Public Meeting in 2016 to Professional Journalistic Standards
Skopje, 25.03.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held its first public meeting in 2016, in line with the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.[…]
Skopje, 18.03.2016 – Kanal 5 TV has responded in writing to the Agency’s report stating that, by having broadcasted the contents of several editions of the Milenko Nedelkovski Show, this television violated the prohibition of hate speech under Article 48 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services. In its letter, apart from manifesting ignorance about the media-related regulations, Kanal 5 TV also tries to exert pressure on the regulatory authority not to implement the Law. The links to Kanal 5 TV’s letter and the Agency’s response are given below.[…]
AAAVMU obtains ISO 9001:2008 Certificate
Skopje, 17.03.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services completed the process of introducing and implementing the ISO 9001:2008 standard in its work. This standard is an indicator of the quality of this institution’s operations and its implementation will notably improve the efficiency of the internal processes management, create a shorter cycle of performance of the activities and lead to a more efficient use of the resources.[…]
Broadcasters should submit annual reports on the fulfillment of their obligations under the radio/TV broadcasting licenses
Skopje, 15.03.2016 – Media Law (Article 15, Paragraph 5) obliges the media to submit to the regulator, by 31 March of the current year at the latest, written reports on the fulfillment of their obligations under the radio or TV broadcasting licenses – the implementation of their programme concepts in particular. Enclosed to their reports should be information about the technical means for broadcasting or retransmission of the programme services in the Republic of Macedonia and abroad.[…]
Obligation to submit total revenue reports comes due
Skopje, 14.03.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services informs all operators that retransmit programme services and the provider of on-demand audiovisual media services that, in accordance with Article 142, Paragraph 3, of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, they are obligated to submit to the Agency, by 15 March 2016 at the latest, reports on their total annual revenues in 2015, which they earned by retransmitting programme services or by providing on-demand audiovisual media services.[…]