The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in the Republic of Macedonia at its 4th session, held on 28 January 2014, adopted the Concept of monitoring radio and television programme services and the Methodology for monitoring election media coverage through the radio and television programme services during the election processes.[…]
Featured Articles
28 January 2014 The Agency adopted the concept and methodology for monitoring of the election media coverage
Skopje, 28 January 2014 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in the Republic of Macedonia at its 4th session held on 28 January 2014, adopted the Concept of monitoring radio and television programme services and the Methodology for monitoring election media coverage through the radio and television programme services during the election processes.[…]
A meeting with the operators of public electronic communication networks was held
The Agency for Audio And Audiovisual Media Services held a meeting with the operators of public communication networks aimed at familiarising the representatives of the public communication networks with the obligations that arise from the newly adopted Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.[…]
The Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and the Law on Media entered into force
The Agency for audio and audiovisual media services reminds broadcasters and operators of public communication networks of the most important liabilities that result from the above-mentioned laws:[…]
The Broadcasting Council and the State University of Tetovo signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
Tetovo, December 19, 2013 – Promoting cooperation within the organisation of joint activities such as seminars, conferences, workshops, exchange of current and new experiences, as well as creation of other activities that would be in the function of common interests,[…]
December 11, 2013 Press Release
The Broadcasting Council reminds the media that upon coverage of social issues and events, they are obligated to comply with the professional journalistic standards, which are reflected in Article 68 of the Law on Broadcasting.[…]
December 6, 2013 BC held a workshop on capacity building of media professionals about issues of gender equality
The Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Macedonia today (6 December 2013) held a workshop on capacity building of media professionals about issues of gender equality.[…]
Do you have radio programmes dedicated to gender equality?
UNESCO dedicated the World Radio Day, 13 February, in 2014 to “Gender equality and strengthening women through the radio.” The aim is to raise the awareness on the issues of gender equality in and through the radio, as well.[…]
Meetings with broadcasters regarding the Rulebook on the technical, spatial , financial and staffing requirements for acquiring a licence held
Skopje 22 November 2013. The Broadcasting Council, on 8 November 2013, adopted the Rulebook on the technical, spatial, financial and staffing requirements for obtaining a license to perform a broadcasting activity.[…]
The Broadcasting Council congratulates on the World Television Day
Skopje November 21, 2013 Considering the role and impact of television on making important decisions on economic and social issues, issues related to conflicts and threats to peace and security on a global level, the General Assembly of the United Nations, by the Resolution 51/205 dated 14 December 1996, declared this day, 21 November a World Television Day.[…]