09.03.2011г. Повик до сите овластени застапници за склучување договори за реемитување на програмски сервиси низ јавните комуникациски мрежи…

Советот за радиодифузија на Република Македонија, врз основа на календарот на активности, превидени со Национална програма за усвојување на правото на Европската унија 2011, го … […]

26.11.2010 The BC called on respecting the laws and powers in the inspection in the media

SKOPJE, 26.11.2010 – On today’s session, the members of the Broadcasting Council (BC) expressed their concern over the recent events in the National Television A1. The BC requested information from the institutions which made the inspection in the premises of TV A1 and also from the television itself; this will help BC in building a full image of the situation and take a relevant position.[…]

24.11.2010 BC strengthens the cooperation with the Slovenian partners

24.11.2010, SKOPJE – Promotion of the digitalization of the media, informing about the activities of making new Law for Audio-Visual media services, copyright protection and cooperation between Macedonia and Slovenia in the area of the media were in the focus of the discussion between the President of the Broadcasting Council (BC), Zoran Stefanoski and the Slovenian Ambassador, Alan Bergant.


