Skopje,08.06.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns most strongly yesterday’s attack on the 24 Vesti TV journalist crew, which took place in the centre of Shtip.[…]
Соопштенија за медиуми-en
Students from the UBT College Pay a Visit to the Agency
Skopje, 07.06.2017г. – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services hosted today a group of students from the University of Business and Technology (UBT) from Pristina, Republic of Kosovo.[…]
Preparation of the Strategy for the Development of Audio and Audiovisual Industry, 2018-2022, Starts
Skopje, 15.05.2017 – Today, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services marked the official start of preparation of the Strategy for the Development of Audio and Audiovisual Industry for the period 2018-2022.[…]
Letter to the MRT Programming Council
Skopje, 03.05.2017 – The Agency has called on the Programming Council of the Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) to reconsider the reporting of the public broadcaster with regard to the events that took place in the Macedonian Parliament on 27 April 2017.[…]
Call for Safety for the Journalist Crews and Professional Reporting on Their Part
Skopje, 28.04.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns most strongly the violence against journalists and journalist crews during yesterday’s events in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.[…]
Media Literacy Network of the Republic of Macedonia Launched
Skopje, 27.04.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services launched, today, at a solemn event, the Media Literacy Network of the Republic of Macedonia, aimed at promoting cooperation among various stakeholders in the Macedonian society that create and implement policies and carry out activities and projects in the media literacy sphere.[…]
Broadcasters Should Adhere to Their Professional Principles
Skopje, 10.04.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services expresses its support to the reaction of the Media Ethics Council and calls upon the broadcasters once more to strictly adhere to the professional principles of performing their business activity,[…]
Journalists of Several European Media Pay Visit to the Agency
Skopje, 04.04.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services hosted today a visit by a group of journalists from several European Media, including the Deutsche Welle Radio from Germany, Rai3 Radio and Radio Popolare from Italy,[…]
13th Subcommittee on Innovation, Information Society and Social Policy Held in Brussels
14.03.2017 – The 13th Subcommittee on Innovations, Information Society and Social Policy was held in Brussels today. At this Subcommittee, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services[…]
Skopje, 03.03.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns yesterday’s verbal attack on the journalist Borjan Jovanovski and appeals,[…]