Skopje, 25.01.2016 – The Internet Portal LIBERTAS published an article today on a correspondence from the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Ms Dunja MIjatovic, to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media services, titled, “Scandalous: Zoran Trajcevski begged Dunja Mijatovic to say there is no need for media reforms”. The aired correspondence from Ms. Mijatovic is a response to a letter which the Agency sent to her in December last year – and which the regulatory body is attaching hereby with the aim of contributing to the objectiveness and accuracy of reporting.[…]
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Annual report on the reach of radio stations and the share of satellite, regional and local TVs in the total viewership
Skopje, 21.01.2016 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has published the 2015 Annual Report on the Reach of the Radio Stations and the Share of the Television Stations Broadcasting Programme at the State Level via Satellite or a Public Electronic Communication Network and the Television Stations Broadcasting Programme at the Regional and Local Levels, in the Total Viewership.
Data on the Reach of the Radio Stations and the Share of Satellite, Regional and Local TVs in the Total Viewership – Q4, 2015
Skopje, 16.01.2016 – The Q4, 2015 data on the reach of the radio stations and the share of the television stations broadcasting programme at the state … […]
Reaction to the negative campaigns of the political parties
Skopje, 18.12.2015 – Acting upon certain complaints and reactions, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has looked into the contents of a number of paid political advertising spots ordered by VMRO/DPMNE and SDSM, which have been aired in the programs of the broadcasters these days.[…]
Public debate opened on the Draft Rulebook on Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Identifying the Locations for Collecting Signals from the Operators of PECN and the Providers of On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 12.12.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services opened a public debate on the text of the[…]
Agency opens public debate on the Draft Annual Plans for Supervision and Draft Annual Work Programme for 2016
Skopje, 16.11.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has opened public debates on the texts of the […]
Rebuttal over SDSM’s Press Release titled “Public Revenue Office Has no Moral Right to Block Citizens’ Accounts for Unpaid Broadcasting Fee”
Skopje, 02.11.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly refutes the claims presented in today’s press release issued by the SDSM stating that, according to the latest data from the Public Revenue Office’s list of debtors, “the Broadcasting Council owes nearly 800,000 Euros”.[…]
Analysis of the Market of Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in 2014
Skopje, 17.08.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared an Analysis of the Market of Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in 2014, which analyses the data concerning broadcasters’ economic operations within the frameworks of the relevant market to which they belong.[…]
AAAVMS Seeks Respect for the Laws and Rule of Law
Skopje, 31.07.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services insists that, in every mention of this institution in the articles and items dedicated to the Przino Agreement,[…]
New address of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 30.06.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is pleased to announce that it has moved to new premises. It started operating at its new address on 1 July 2015.[…]