Skopje, 1 December 2023 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services calls on the media and media workers to adhere to the highest professional standards and ethical values when reporting on the case related to the missing teen girl from Skopje. When publishing their content, they should mandatorily use accurate and verified information and use credible sources, so as not to inflame the situation additionally, and not to cause fear and panic among the public. Journalists should be particularly  careful when taking over posts from the social networks, as well as from other sources whose credibility cannot be determined.[…]


Skopje, 12 November 2023 – With regard to the court verdict pronounced by Judge Jovanka Spirovska Paneva in the case “Feroinvest vs IRL,” for their story “Conspiracy against the Air,” the Agency informs the public that it joins in the reactions that the freedom of expression is a constitutionally guaranteed category and, as such, is inviolable. This freedom can be restricted only in certain, precisely defined, cases when public safety and peace, public health, etc. are threatened.[…]


Skopje, 2 November 2023 – Regarding yesterday’s edition of the show “Samo vistina” (Only Truth), aired on Kanal 5 TV, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services points out that debates on political and social issues should be contributing to the realization of freedom of expression and culture of tolerance, and must never incite intolerance[…]

Media Literacy Days 2023 Opened

 Skopje, 24 October 2023 –  Starting from today, until 31 October 2023, the 2023 Media Literacy Days will be taking place under the motto: “FAST FINGER SPREADS FAKE NEWS”. The event is organized by the Media Literacy Network. In this way, our country is joining in the UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week[…]


Skopje, 24 August, 2023 – Director of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services Zoran Trajchevski and Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of and Protection against Discrimination Ismail Kamberi signed a Memorandum today, aimed at expanding cooperation, especially in the sphere of preventing discrimination in the programmes of audio and audiovisual media service providers and the video-sharing platforms[…]

Incident of Hindering Journalists and Cameramen’s Work in Brvenitsa Condemned

Skopje, 24 August 2023 –With regard to the insults and threats addressed at the news crew of Koha TV, as well as the attempts at hindering the TV crews of several media outlets and correspondents from the Polog region in their efforts to obtain footages from the fire in the municipality of Brvenitsa, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services wishes to point out that it is abusolutely unacceptable to obstruct media workers in the performance of their work[…]

Press Release

Skopje, 20 August 2023 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly condemns the insults and disparagements expressed by the “Brako” Company against the journalists of the Investigative Reporting Laboratory (IRL) with regard to the documentary titled “Murder in Tetovo”[…]

