Programme Analyses

Guide of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services for monitoring the application of reporting standards in cases of gender-based violence in the media

A guide to monitoring “hate speech”



Sexual Orientation and the Media

Children’s Programmes on the National TV Stations 


Media literacy

Research on media literacy among first and second year students in secondary education


Gender on TV screens

Analyzes of gender issues and the way women and men are portrayed and represented in broadcasters’ programs in 2022

Gender in the media 2021: Gender issues and the way women and men are represented in the sports program of national terrestrial televisions

Gender in television and radio: Who makes the decisions and who implements them?

Analysis of the gender structure of salaries in broadcasting for 2019

Analysis of gender aspects in children’s programs on national terrestrial television

The gender of TV in 2018: Behind the screen and on it

A collection of annual research on the treatment of gender issues and the way women and men are presented on national TV stations (2012 – 2016)


Analyzes of the structure of employees in the audio and audiovisual industry:

Analysis of the structure of employees in the audio and audiovisual media industry in 2016

Analysis of the structure of employees in the audio and audiovisual media industry in 2015

Analysis of the structure of employees in the audio and audiovisual media sector in 2014

Analysis of the structure of employees in the broadcasting industry in 2013

Analysis of the structure of employees in the broadcasting industry in 2012

Analysis of the structure of employees in the broadcasting industry in 2011


Gender in Television Programme Services

Analysis of Gender in television and radio: Who makes the decisions and who implements them? – 2020

Analysis of the gender structure of salaries in broadcasting for 2019

Analysis of Gender in television programs in 2019

Analysis of Gender in television programs in 2018

Analysis of Gender in television programs in 2017

Analysis of Gender in Television Programme Services for 2016

Analysis of Gender in Television Programme Services for 2015
Analysis of Gender in Television Programme Services for 2014
Analysis of Gender in Televison Programme Services for 2013
Gender analysis in television programme 2012


Political pluralism:

Political pluralism during election campaign 
Analysis of the political pluralism in the News of the Public Broadcasting Service 2012
Analysis of the political pluralism in the News of the Public Broadcasting Service 2011
Analysis of the political pluralism in the News of the Public Broadcasting Service 2010


Report on the Fulfilment of the Obligations to protect and Foster the Cultural Identity in 2012
Report on the Fulfillment of the Obligations to Protect and Foster the Cultural Identity of the Radio and Television Programmes in 2011
Report from the Analysis of the Spots aired labeled “free airtime” on MTV 1, MTV 2 and Parliamentary Channel 2010 


The report on the implementation of the Program for ensuring accessibility to the media for people with sensory disabilities, for the period 2016-2018.

Report on the implementation of the Program for Encouraging Media Literacy in the Republic of Macedonia (2016-2018)

Report on the fulfillment of obligations for the protection and nurturing of cultural identity in 2012

Report on the fulfillment of obligations for the protection and nurturing of the cultural identity of radio and television programs in 2011

Researching and reporting about the news in 2001(in Macedonian)
Debate on radio and television programs and cultural identity in 2001 (in Macedonian)

