Programme for Ensuring Access to the Media for Persons with Sensory Impairments

The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is continuously dedicated to removing the barriers that prevent persons with sensory impairments from accessing information and using the audiovisual services available to the majority of citizens in Macedonia. In this regard, the Agency has prepared, using expert assistance, a Programme for Ensuring Media Accessibility for Persons with Sensory Impairments, which includes activities and measures that the Agency should undertake by 2018 in order to promote better access for the persons with vision and hearing loss to the programmes offered by the providers of audiovisual media services in Macedonia.

The Programme for Ensuring Media Accessibility for Persons with Sensory Impairments (No. 01-4086/1) adopted by the Agency Council on 18 June 2015, can be downloaded at the following link:

Program for Providing Access for People with Sensory Impairment


