Warning Measures Imposed against 1 TV

Skopje, 6 December 2018 – A regular programme supervision conducted over the programme of 1 TV had detected violations of the prohibition on product placement within separate audiovisual segments of informative nature and clear labelling of the programme containing product placement within separate audiovisual segments of entertaining nature, respectively, as well as disregard for the advertising and teleshopping requirements[…]

Working Meeting Scheduled on 5 December 2018

Skopje, 4 December 2018 – Tomorrow, on 5 December 2018 (Wednesday), starting at 12:00 hrs, the Agency will hold a working meeting as part of the public debate on establishing the need to amend and supplement the Rulebook on the Content and Format of the Application Form to be Enrolled in the Register of Operators Retransmitting Programming Packages[…]

Warning Measure Imposed against 1 TV

Skopje, 3 December 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular programme supervision over the work of 1TV, indicating disregard for the obligation to provide quizzes and other forms of award-winning participation, the Agency imposed a warning measure againt 1TV[…]

Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over ONE.VIP

Skopje, 27 November 2018 – The Agency conducted a regular programme supervision over the provider of on-demand audiovisual media services, ONE.VIP from Skopje, and its obligations concerning cinematographic works, minors’ protection and promoting the production of and access to European works.  The supervision found no violations of the LAAVMS[…]

