Skopje, 8 February 2019 – At its 7th session held yesterday, the Agency Council adopted the Methodology for Monitoring Electoral Media Coverage by the Radio and Television Programming Services during Electoral Processes, as stipulated by the Law on Amending and Supplementing the Electoral Code, of 5 February 2019[…]
Featured Articles
MISA Transfers Less Than the Legally Specified Amount of Funds to the Agency
Skopje, 8 February 2019 – At yesterday’s session, the Agency Council decided to inform the public that, for two months in a row, the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) had been transferring to the Agency less than the legally stipulated amounts of funds for financing the radiobroadcasting activity in 2019[…]
Skopje, 6 February 2019 – The Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia has made amendments to media-related laws again, through an accelerated procedure, without taking into account the recommendations or remarks of the expert public or the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services[…]
The Radio Stations May Voluntarily Register Airing of Domestic Music until 8 February Inclusive
Skopje, 4 February 2019 – As regards the legal opportunity for the radio stations to voluntarily report the percentage of domestic music they would be airing, the Agency Council adopted Guidelines at its today’s session, which set the deadlines for applying, the genre and the time of airing music[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted Over Transped Trejd, One.Vip, Kabel-L-Net and Infel-KTV Operators
Skopje, 4 February 2019 – The regular programme supervision conducted over Transped Trejd, One.Vip, Kabel-L-Net and Infel-KTV cable operators regarding their observance of the obligation to register their programme services and and provide subtitles for the programme services they retransmit[…]
Agency Becomes Part of the Network for Fight against Hate Speech in the Media
Skopje, 30 January 2019 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services became part of the Network for Fight against Hate Speech in the Media, formed on the initiative of the Macedonian Media Ethics Council, with the support from the OSCE Mission in Skopje. The primary goal of the Network is to prevent the spread of hate speech in the public sphere, strengthen professional and ethical performance of the journalist profession and raise the awareness of the broader public.[…]
Opinion of the Directorate for Personal Data Protection Regarding a Complaint against the “Studio Moda” Show with Sergej Varoshlija
Skopje, 24 January 2018 – The Directorate for Personal Data Protection sent a letter to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services notifying it that, in the case the Agency initiated concerning the “Studio Moda” Show aired by 1 TV, a violation of the right to personal data protection had been committed.[…]
Ad Hoc Programme Supervision Conducted Over RFM Radio regarding the Implementation of its Programming Concept
Skopje, 22 January 2019 – In the course of its ad hoc programme supervision, conducted ex officio, the Agency did not detect any violation of the obligation to carry out at least 80 % of the broadcaster’s programming concept envisaged in the license granted to it, in the course of one week.[…]
Ad Hoc Programme Supervision Conducted over Total TV
Skopje, 23 January 2019 – Based on the findings of the conducted ad hoc programme supervision over the Total TV cable operator from Skopje, the Agency concluded that, contrary to Article 141 of the LAAVMS, the operator had been retransmitting to its users a total of 73 programming services that had not been covered by the programme service registration certificates issued by the Agency.[…]
Skopje, 20.01.2019 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services most strongly condemns yesterday’s attacks on a female journalist and some photo reporters during the marking of the religious holiday of Epiphany in Skopje.[…]