Skopje, 30 July 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programme of GURRA TV, Nova TV and BI-KI-AL Radio, revealing disregard for the obligation to air, in its programme, data about the ownership strucutre, editor-in-chief and other editors[…]
Featured Articles
Supervision Conducted over Klan Makedonija TV and BI-Ki-AL Radio
Skopje, 30 July 2018 – The Agency conducted control administrative supervision over the work of Klan Makedonija TV, to verify if it had acted upon the previously imposed warning measure due to failure to air data about its ownership structure, the editor in chief and other editors, and the sources of financing during the previous year[…]
Warning Measure Imposed against TV Klan Makedonija
Skopje, 27 July 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular administrative supervision over the programme of TV Klan Makedonija, revealing disregard for the obligation to air, in its programme, data about the ownership strucutre[…]
Fake News in SDSM’s Refutation
Skopje, 27 July 2018 – In its refutation of the Agency’s reaction to the adopted amendments to the Electoral Code, the SDSM presented a number of untruths in an attempt to manipulate the public[…]
Analysis of the Market of Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in 2017
Skopje, 27.07.2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared an Analysis of the Market of Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in 2017[…]
Public Debate on the Draft Guidelines on Meeting the Requirements to Publish Impressums and Information that Should be Made Available to the Users
Skopje, 27 July 2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is opening a public debate about the text of the Draft Guidelines on Meeting the Requirements to Publish Impressums and Information that Should be Made Available to the Users. […]
Press Release
Skopje 26.07.2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services sympathizes with the families of the victims who lost their lives in the fires that struck the Republic of Greece in the past several days[…]
Skopje, 26 July 2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services condemns the amendments to the Electoral Code adopted yesterday, in a shortened procedure, by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, following an agreement reached at the political party leaders’ meetings[…]
Regular Administrative Supervision Conducted over All 123 Broadcasters
Skopje, 23 July 2018 – In accordance with the Law on Media, broadcasters are obligated to publish data about their ownership structure, editors and financing sources in 2017, as part of their own programmes for the second time by 30 June at the latest[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over KOCANI TV, ZDRAVKIN TV, KANAL 8 TV and Svet TV
Skopje, 23 July 2018 – Regular programme supervision was conducted over the television stations airing programme at the local level – Kocani TV, Zdravkin TV, Kanal 8 TV and Svet TV, concerning their obligations related to the scope of programme aired on a daily basis, the percentage of originally created programme and the broadcasting language[…]