Skopje, 18.12.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services informs all media that the ban on paid political advertising[…]
Featured Articles
Public debate opened on the Draft Rulebook on Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Identifying the Locations for Collecting Signals from the Operators of PECN and the Providers of On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 12.12.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services opened a public debate on the text of the[…]
Agency prepares Concept for the Development of Non-Profit Broadcasting Institutions
Skopje, 12.12.2015 – The Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services adopted, at its 39th session held on 11.12.2015, the prepared Concept for the Development of Non-Profit Broadcasting Institutions (No. 01-7043/1, dated 16.12.2015).[…]
Agency imposes warning measure against JENI BALKAN weekly
Skopje, 04.12.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted an ad-hoc supervision over the work of[…]
Agency imposes warning measures against STREET FM and KAPITOL Radios
Skopje, 01.12.2015 – In line with the Annual Plan for Conducting Supervision, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted supervision over the work of TRD Kapitol Radio DOOEL Skopje and TRD STREET FM DOO Skopje.[…]
Conference on Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey held in Brussels
04.11.2015 – Under the motto “Speak Up!”, the European Commission is hosting, in Brussels today, the 3rd Conference on Freedom of Expression and Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey.[…]
Rebuttal over SDSM’s Press Release titled “Public Revenue Office Has no Moral Right to Block Citizens’ Accounts for Unpaid Broadcasting Fee”
Skopje, 02.11.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly refutes the claims presented in today’s press release issued by the SDSM stating that, according to the latest data from the Public Revenue Office’s list of debtors, “the Broadcasting Council owes nearly 800,000 Euros”.[…]
Analysis of the structure of employees in the audio and audiovisual media sector in 2014
Skopje, 20.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared an Analysis of the Structure of Employees in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014, which contains data about the total number of employees in the public broadcasting service and the commercial television and radio stations at the state, regional and local levels.[…]
Data about the radio stations’ reach and the share of satellite, regional and local TVs in the total viewership – 2015 Q3
Скопје, 16.10.2015 –The data about the radio-stations’ reach and the audience share of the television stations broadcasting programme at the state level via satellite or via a public electronic communications network,[…]
Analysis of the employees’ structure by ethnicity in the audio and audiovisual media sector in 2014
Skopje, 07.10.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services has prepared an Analysis of the Employees’ Structure by Ethnicity in the Audio and Audiovisual Media Sector in 2014.[…]