Incident of Hindering Journalists and Cameramen’s Work in Brvenitsa Condemned

Skopje, 24 August 2023 –With regard to the insults and threats addressed at the news crew of Koha TV, as well as the attempts at hindering the TV crews of several media outlets and correspondents from the Polog region in their efforts to obtain footages from the fire in the municipality of Brvenitsa, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services wishes to point out that it is abusolutely unacceptable to obstruct media workers in the performance of their work[…]

Press Release

Skopje, 20 August 2023 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services strongly condemns the insults and disparagements expressed by the “Brako” Company against the journalists of the Investigative Reporting Laboratory (IRL) with regard to the documentary titled “Murder in Tetovo”[…]


Skopje, 19 July 2023 – With regard to yesterday’s verbal and physical attack on TV 24’s cameraman Ivan Kamchev near Rosoman, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services wishes to remind that any type of attack on media representatives is absolutely unacceptable and that at no time should their safety be broght into question.[…]

Public Hearing Opened on the Draft-Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minimum Technical, Spatial, Financial and Staffing Requirements for Obtaining a Radio and Television Broadcasting License

Skopje, 12 July 2023 – At its 22nd session in 2023, held yesterday, the Agency Council adopted the Draft-Rulebook Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on Minimum Technical, Spatial, Financial and Staffing Requirements for Obtaining a Radio and Television Broadcasting License. […]

