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28.09.2010г. Советот за радиодифузија им укажа на медиумите да внимаваат на заштитата на децата и на човековото достоинство во политичкото рекламирање…
СКОПЈЕ, 28.09.2010 – Советот за радиодифузија (СРД) од спроведениот мониторинг на телевизиските програми констатираше, дека во последно време на повеќе телевизии постојано се емитува платено политичко рекламирање.[…]
13.09.2010г. 3D-телевизијата е хајлат на годинешниот Меѓународен конгрес за радиодифузија во Амстердам – IBC
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07.09.2012 BC protects the exclusive rights of the broadcasters
SKOPJE- 07.09.2010– The Broadcasting Council (BC) will request from all broadcasters to provide BC in a timely manner with information if they broadcast sport or other type of programs with exclusive rights for Republic of Macedonia,[…]
11.08.2010 BC revoked the Broadcasting Licenses of Three Satellite Televisions
12.08.2010 BC verified the Mandates of the Two New Members, Alma Mashovikj and Boris Arsov
10.08.2010 The Broadcasting Council called upon all TV Broadcasters to adhere to the Legal Provisions in order to protect the Authors’ Rights of “Vardar Film“
SKOPJE, 10.08.2010 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) called upon all television stations in Republic of Macedonia to protect the authors’ and related rights of the broadcast content, no matter if it is of national or foreign production, after the reaction from the “Vardar Film” Film Centre, in regard to certain unauthorized broadcasts of its movies on some TV channels.[…]
23.07.2010г. Програмските пакети на кабелските оператори ставени на увид на јавноста на веб страницата на Советот за радиодифузија…
<div> <strong>СКОПЈЕ, 23 јули 2010</strong> – Советот за радиодифузија заради поефикасна заштита на авторските и сродните права, а за поголема транспарентност на програмите што се дозволени … […]
30.06.2010 The Broadcasting Council and other state and public institutions are mobilizing to fight the piracy
SKOPJE – 30.06.2010 – During today’s meeting, hosted by the Broadcasting Council (BC), representatives from BC, Agency for Electronic Communications, Ministry of Interior, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Agency for Protection of Intellectual Property and Coordination Body for Protection of Intellectual Property set a deadline to the telecom operators until 7 July 2010[…]
25.06.2010 Criminal charges against cable operators, which illegally re-transmit the World Football Championship
SKOPJE, 25.06.2010 – Ten misdemeanor and four criminal charges will be initiated against cable operators, which violate the Broadcasting Law. This decision was adopted during the … […]