Control Supervision Conducted over Four Radio Stations concerning Macedonian Music Quota

Skopje, 20.07.2017 –Skopje, 20.07.2017 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted control programme supervision over RA BUBA MARA DOO Skopje, RA FORTUNA DOOEL Skopje, RA SLOBODNA MAKEDONIJA Skopje and SKAJ RADIO DOOEL Skopje, in order to verify if they had acted upon the warning decisions sent to them by the Agency, i.e. if they had ensured that minimum 40 % of the instrumental, […]

Control Supervision Conducted over 15 Broadcasters

Skopje, 29.06.2017 The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted control supervision over the work of 15 broadcasters, as follows: TV Telma DOOEL Skopje, TV KTV DOOEL Kavadarci, TV Kanal-21 DOOEL Veles, RA Aleksandar Makedonski DOOEL Kichevo, RA MH DOOEL Ohrid, RA Merak 5 FM DOO Veles, RTV Drini DOOEL Struga, […]

