Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Kabel-L-Net

Skopje, 26 November 2018 – Regular programme supervision was conducted over the Kabel-L-Net cable operator from Struga, regarding its observance of the obligations to register its programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes it retransmits. The supervision did not find any violations of the Law on AAVMS[…]

Administrative Supervision Conducted over Six Radio Stations

Skopje, 29 October 2018 – The Agency conducted regular administrative supervision over the following radios: Hepi Radio, Kapitol FM, Lajf Radio, Rosa-AB, EF-EM 90.03 Sportsko Radio and Radio Vat, in order to establish if they had published Impressums in their programmes, as well as information that should be made available to the users and the broadcaster’s identification[…]

